that was hilarious, little susy and her troubled family! haha.. except I'm not quite sure if you did the audio or not... but i don't really care because that was funny. god bless america
that was hilarious, little susy and her troubled family! haha.. except I'm not quite sure if you did the audio or not... but i don't really care because that was funny. god bless america
nice little scenic dealie, i said humor 6 because japanese or whatever that was is so funny sounding, its like jibberish, but anywho! id like to see them move more!... uhh yeah thats it, good job
hahaha, that was funny, and cool... yeah! nice little scorpian animation you got going there, bot the sprites, and the flashed out frame by frame one. GooD Job!! I liked it a lot, hope to see more like or not like this.. whichever one comes first
well... i guess it was okay, it was a nice loop of the king of the hill song, but the animating was really choppy and not fluent... and it wasn't funny at all... i never laughed out loud, or even laugh inside... huh, well try to improve on stuff!!
Be silent
yeah... that was pretty good... except it looks like you slacked off a lot in animating it smoothly. i don't get why those people didn't fly of the cars when they exploded... plus they all died the same way.. or same movie clip.. and i kinda wanted to hear some sort of sound effect instead of just music.... but yeah, good job! Halo 2 is gonna be cool
weeee stuff
wow... i seriously coudn't tell you were nineteen... i mean i said "hey this guy must be at least 12 or 13... i mean retards and making fun of Mr. Rogers is soooo like old and stuff.. i'm pretty sure ur some obey the rules type of freak who is hypocritical and has never touched any type of drug, and still asks mommy for a ride to the video game store... your just some poor pathetic hypocritical leach of society, maybe you should resume masterbating to cartoons, like u said and learn to do something better with flash instead of wasting your time and sucking at it,i think you should kill yourself, kill yourself, kill yourself.
That WAS....
REally COooL i liked that frame by frame smooth action! That was kind of funny... but the animation really set it over the top, for me anyway! but yeah, keep up that awesome work
that was kinda of good i guess... no preloader is pretty bad... and it wasn't that long for being such a big file...hmm it was semi fluid, not as fluid as xiao xiao, but it worked... That last battle was too one sided that boss guy didn't do much.. plus backround could use some work, yeah....
that was pretty cool, hMmmM its hard to believe that there were no 3d programs involved... i watched the movie before reading your little blurb, so it looked entirely 3d... but i guess...... thats not the case.. anywho, That was really cool and amazing artwork!!!
violence is the answer to our problems.... and its kind of funny. "smashing in somebodies knees with a baseball bat isn't that much of a crime." -otto
Age 37, Male
lazy ass
The Universty of Lazy asses
The Couch, my own filth
Joined on 12/29/02