you have no animation talent at all! That was simply terrible! Listing stuff to help u improve on ur next animation would be endless! either get better or stop submitting
you have no animation talent at all! That was simply terrible! Listing stuff to help u improve on ur next animation would be endless! either get better or stop submitting
Quiet you.
ugh these are getting really old and annoying... I don't even know why i watched this and was tempted to just go to the next one.... I don't understand why people like these! but whatever
well that was really bad
those drawings were really bad and everything just really sucked ass
I make animations too so I can appreciate this one and it looks like you put a lot of effort into it... I really liked it and hope to see more! There were only some parts where the quality lacked but overall it was Supa SMooth!
that was some nice animation and I Liked how you coreolated(is that a word?) the movements with the voices... but the humor was a little dry.. with little jokes here and there... But other than that it was a good movie....on abortions
well it was alright... but the graphics were pretty lame, and the action aswell.. The voice acting could use a lot of help. I was expecting more... but it seems most everyone else was expecting this
that wasn't that funny.... it seemed like it was done before but whos to say! Anywho the animation was pretty nice... but this does not live up to the score it got...
well the animation was pretty terrible... there were no fluent motions at all.. but the sound was pretty good... other than that I suggest you work on your animating skills for next time
violence is the answer to our problems.... and its kind of funny. "smashing in somebodies knees with a baseball bat isn't that much of a crime." -otto
Age 37, Male
lazy ass
The Universty of Lazy asses
The Couch, my own filth
Joined on 12/29/02