View Profile TheOtto

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theres nothing worse than watching a bunch of half assed childrens drawings going at it. stick figures are god to this type of art. and your onion skinned drawings weren't even that good. theres story... that has value... but when story meets this type of movie it only goes down hill. if you try to make another series atleast try to do a good job instead of having ur little sister help.

mmark-oldflash responds:

Whoa! Your saying that stick figures, art that even the most uneducated artists can draw, is better than actual drawings of people? That's a pretty big claim. I don't have a sister and children can not draw as good as this (seriously, your making a huge statement, unless everyone in your family was born a great artist). Basically your review states that animation matters more to than a good story.

So does that mean you like stuff like Toy Story just because of it's animation? Think about it.


you really have to learn how to draw... that is the worst flash art ive ever seen.. you really need to improve on a lot of things but ur probably aware of that


well the sound is good.. and thats about it... the animation is very terrible, i'm afraid to say. They are like child drawings... especially that horse! that looked like something i did in 1st grade.. and there never seems to be any movement thats not tweened... It was pretty boring to say the least..


that was really long!! but it was cool cuz it was like a show and stuff... Good job, and the voice acting is a lot better than those vampire cartoons. Nice change


the graphics were well done and all.... but there was no real sound inbetween finish to end... so it was kind of boring.. but since this is your first flash you've got a lot of potentiol to become better!


That was funny... but why did that chick have gigantic feet! meh.. good job


it WAS good, better than some others. The artwork seemed to have a lot of attention in some areas, and less in others. But I'd like to see people move a lot more...

it was okay.. I guess

The action was pretty well done, the backrounds.. uh none.. the voice acting was really bad... nearly as bad as Vampire INA. You really gotta get a new girl to do that voice, same with the main guy. I liked the effects and the good action.. but in the future you should try to improve on all that stuff.

violence is the answer to our problems.... and its kind of funny. "smashing in somebodies knees with a baseball bat isn't that much of a crime." -otto

The Otto @TheOtto

Age 37, Male

lazy ass

The Universty of Lazy asses

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